
Residential Solar PV Services

With years of experience installing residential solar panels, Rory and the team at Lite Force Solar Services are ready to work with you to ensure you get exactly what you need, not a “one size fits all” package. Our personalised approach guarantees that each solar installation is tailored to your specific energy requirements and budget, maximising efficiency and savings. Typical domestic solar systems offering a return on investment in just three years, making the switch to solar power is a smart and cost-effective decision for your home. Trust Lite Force Solar Services to provide expert installation and support, helping you harness the power of the sun for a greener and more economical future.

How Does Solar Work

Solar power uses Photovoltaic Cells to capture the energy of the sun in the form of DC energy. The DC energy is converted via a solar inverter to AC energy, this AC energy is what is used in your home.

Your inverter is wired into your main switch board where the AC energy is utilised in your home first and if any excess energy is available it will be sent to the grid in exchange for a “feed in tariff”.

Commercial Solar PV Services

If your business can afford to pay its electricity bills, it can afford the cost of commercial solar power. Outgoings are a huge expense to businesses, but with solar power you can cover a large percentage of your energy demands. Lite Force Solar services has helped hundreds of commercial customers take control of their energy bills including cold store facilities, retail, fabrication workshops, freight & logistic companies just to name a few.

Commercial Payment Solutions

Lite Force Pty Ltd is partnered with different finance providers to offer commercial payment solutions to suit your needs which include Payment Plans (both Rental Agreements & Chattell Mortgages) and Power Purchase Agreements (more often called PPAs). With $0 upfront and typically being cash-flow positive from the start, using a Commercial Payment Solution is an easy and affordable way to buy a commercial solar system.

Hybrid Battery Systems

Hybrid Battery Systems

Being self-sufficient from the grid is now a reality! No more selling excess power to your Energy Retailer for next to nothing, then buying it back at night for up to 10x the price. By installing a compatible battery with your solar system, you can store excess energy generated during the day to utilise at night. All batteries that Lite Force Solar installs have the ability to provide backup power during the event of a grid outage. Let’s face it, what’s the point in having a battery installed if you can’t utilise the stored power during a cyclone or bushfire.

DC-Coupled vs AC-Coupled Batteries

There are two main ways to connect battery systems with solar panels. You can have a DC-Coupled system, where the solar panels and batteries interact directly with DC power behind the inverter. On the other hand, an AC-Coupled system uses separate inverters for your batteries and solar panels, and electricity travels between them as AC power. Both technologies have Pros & Cons so let Lite Force explain the best solution for your investment. 

Off-Grid Battery Systems

Off-Grid Battery Systems

Off-Grid solar solutions can be designed & installed to provide power to Residential, Commercial, Agriculture and remote WA locations to reduce their costs. With advanced Lithium technology, being Off-Grid and reducing diesel costs in now an affordable and viable option for Western Australians. Lite Force Solar Services offer in-house qualified design & install electricians. Deal with the team that will be installing your Off-Grid system from start to finish. Lite Force Solar services include electricians who have the experience, knowledge and industry connections needed to make the process as smooth and affordable as possible. 

What Does Off-Grid Mean?

Off-Grid Solar, also known as Stand Alone Power Systems (SAPS) is when there is no electricity grid connected to the system at all. It consists of PV solar panels, often ground mounted, producing power to be stored in batteries. The stored energy is used throughout the connected property and backed up by a stand-by, auto changeover generator which charges the batteries when they are low. A well designed Off-Grid solar system doesn’t rely on the generator and should only run after consecutive days of bad weather. Lite Force supports Australian Made Off-Grid components as much as possible such as Selectronic and Power Plus Energy as they are designed for the harsh Australian climate. 

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging

Electric Vehicles, more commonly known as EV’s are taking off in Western Australia and so are “Smart” EV Chargers. Most people don’t realise that lots of EV chargers supplied by vehicle manufacturers are either really slow or just “Dumb”. A “Dumb” charger is a charger that operates like your phone charger. You get home, plug it in and it starts charging till the battery is full. This means there’s a high chance you will be charging your Electric Vehicle from the grid and not Green solar Energy. A “Smart” Charger has the brains to charge your EV from excess solar energy instead of the grid. Of course, if you need to fully charge your vehicle immediately you can override this feature. Lite Force has partnered with only leading Electric Vehicle Charging Manufacturers such as Fronius Wattpilot, Zappi, Tesla and ABB to name a few. 

Service, Maintenance & Repairs

Service, Maintenance & Repairs

A solar system is like a car, you can’t just buy one and expect it to last forever without maintaining the system. Most panel manufacturers require your system to be serviced by a qualified person in order to maintain your warranties which are getting increasingly longer. As your solar system ages in the elements, faults and errors can occur that need to be dealt with. In 2013 there were more than 400 solar panel manufacturers approved for install in Australia. Today there are fewer than 100 so it is important to maintain your system so it lasts the time it is meant to.

What is a Solar Orphan & what do I do if I am one?

A Solar Orphan is someone that bought a solar system from an installer or retailer that is no longer in business. Every year hundreds of solar retailers close their doors and leave thousands of customers stranded becoming Solar Orphans without support for their solar system. Luckily, this does not mean you have lost your warranty for your Solar Inverter or Solar Panels. Lite Force can help you navigate the warranty process provided the product manufacturers are still trading. From replacing a dead inverter to keeping your system in tip top condition, Lite Force Solar is here to help you.

Solar Panel Cleaning

Solar Panel Cleaning

Your solar power system’s output may be reduced if your panels are covered in dust, dirt or grime. This blocks the sunlight out and reduces its efficiency. To get the full cost-saving benefit of solar power, it’s best to keep your panels relatively clean and debris free. Dust, dirt, pollen, bird droppings and leaves can all take their toll on your solar system’s performance. Regular cleaning can do wonders to improve is efficiently. Often, natural rainfall will wash away particles of dust or dirt, but you may still need to give it a helping hand. Your solar system requires very little maintenance, but a clean solar panel is much more efficient than a dirty one. 

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At Lite Force, our Solar specialists are ready to help!